The Polish Influenza

The only cure is a manicure

MOTD- OPI “A Woman’s Prague-ative”

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Hi there!

While I’m so ready to embrace fall right now, the weather is just not letting me! It was even hotter today than it was yesterday here in the 302- 87˚ F! I’ve got a whole pile of fall nail polishes out in my room ready to be reviewed and the weather is like “nope, it’s still summer”. Well, sorry weather, but in all technicalities, it is fall, so let the autumn themed MOTD continue!

Today I have a GORGEOUS burnt coppery orange color for you from OPI called A Woman’s Prague-ative. Just to clear things up, this was part of the 2013 Euro Centrale collection, hence the central European inspired name (and it’s soooo cute!). I actually have used this color on my blog before, it’s in one of my 31DC2013 posts, here. A Woman’s Prague-ative is such a gorgeous, in-depth shimmer, I don’t even know how to start describing it! It has a very orange glow to it, but when the light hits it, it flashes gold and copper, and even a bit of subtle red. The shimmer is intense, guys. It really packs a punch, and I like it that way! This is a really unique polish- I’ve never seen any other polish quite like this. It’s a total stunner! Formula-wise, it’s also a win. It’s thin, but not so much that it’ll flood your cuticles, and the OPI brush is very effective at applying the color evenly. It’s a bit sheer, but opaque in 3 coats. Pictures below are 3 coats of A Woman’s Prague-ative, no topcoat.

Artificial, indoor light

Artificial, indoor light





So what do you guys think about these colors? I know this was an OPI spring release, but I feel like it fits into the fall color scheme better, at least in my opinion! What about you? Let me know in the comments!

OPI polishes retail for about $9, and can be found in beauty supply stores, salons, and on their website, here.



Author: The Polish Influenza

I'm a teenage nail blogger from Delaware who, among other things, loves science, music, fashion, and um, of course, nail polish! I use my blog as a means of de-stressing, but I also love that I get to share my adventures in lacquer with all of my amazing followers! Please follow me :-)

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